Monday, May 27, 2019

My Favorite Food

     They're light, they're fluffy, they're great. You may be wondering what I'm talking about, but if you guessed pancakes, you're correct. Pancakes are absolutely amazing in every way. They're good when you need breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Pancakes are like best friends, they are always there when you need them. They're easy to make and they're delicious as well so it's like a two-in-one package. You can also eat whatever you would like on top. Do you like chocolate chips? Put them on! Do you like syrup? Put it on! I personally like yogurt and fruit on mine, but that's just what I like so it's okay if you don't. So if you've never tried pancakes, then you're really missing out so I suggest trying them.

Image result for pancakes with yogurt and fruit

Why YouTube Drama is Stupid

     As you log onto your phone, you notice your favorite YouTuber posted a video. You click on this video with excitement, wondering what they posted. The video goes on and you realize something, this YouTuber is talking about another one. When the video comes to an end, you're enraged. Not at your favorite YouTuber, but at the one they based their video on. Even though you aren't in it physically, you are officially on one side of the YouTube drama.
     What's going to happen now is there will be a lot of videos to follow this one from both sides. This drama can hurt careers, reputations, and friendships. One situation like this would be the James Charles drama. One YouTuber, named Tati, dragged James through the mud and made serious accusations about him. What she said could really damage James Charles and possibly ruin his life. After her video came out, James lost 2 million subscribers and Tati gained 5 million. Later he proved most of her accusations wrong and apologized for the ones that were true. At the end of the video he explained that throughout the week his mind went to dark places, which is definitely not okay.
     As you can see, YouTube drama is stupid because people are only lying and cheating to bring others down and to get to the top a bit easier. This can cause people to become really upset, possibly even depressed. These YouTubers should handle this in the privacy of their lives and not in the public.
                                        Image result for youtube images

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Noggin Review

     Imagine waking up to find a new body attached to your neck, your friends are all five years older, and you have to pretend that everything's normal. I know you are probably confused right now, but I can explain. This is basically the life of Travis Coates, the protagonist in the book, Noggin.
     In this book, Travis Coates, a boy with cancer, offers up his head to be cryogenically frozen. He doesn't think it will work but he goes through with it anyway. After five years, Travis wakes up to find a young man named Jeremy Pratt's body attached to him. No longer does cancer plague his body, but a new thing is darkening his look on the world. He has to go through high school... without his old friends. This sets up a lot of drama that really tests the limits of Travis's selflessness, mental health, and strength.
     If I had to give this book a rating, I'd give it a 2 out of 5. I don't like to read about things that aren't really realistic, even though this could be one day. I also don't enjoy the storyline that much but I'm not completely done so my opinion may change a bit. One thing I might want to warn you about is that this book contains some suggestive themes and vulgar language. You may want to check with your parents before reading this book, but if you're allowed I hope you enjoy it.Image result for noggin book

Dance Moms Review

     They yell, they scream, they fight. You may be thinking, "Are you talking about a lot of toddlers?" Well sorry to burst your bubble, but you're mistaken. I'm talking about a bunch of little girls' mothers and their dance teacher on a show called Dance Moms.
    The renowned show, which can be found on the channel Lifetime, revolves around the lives of talented young dancers from the Abby Lee Dance Company and their dance teacher, Abby Lee Miller. Due to her questionable teaching methods, the children's moms constantly get into fights with her and occasionally each other. The main problems that occur are jealousy, favoritism (usually towards Maddie Ziegler), and the numerous encounters with the Candy Apples Dance Center (their rivals).
     If I had to give this show a rating I'd give it a 4.9 out of 5. I didn't give it a full 100% because the producers constantly use editing to trick the viewers into believing certain things about certain situations. Other than that, I feel like this is a very entertaining and addicting show. I recommend this show to dancers or even just people who enjoy drama.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Why Danny DeVito is Superior

     Listen, Danny is 100% BEAUTIFUL. Not only does Mr. DeVito have the looks, but he has the charisma as well. His tremendously shiny head provides a glare that has The Rock shaking in his shoes.
Danny DeVito is one of a kind and really unappreciated. I mean, how can you not just fall in love with such a perfect human. He can act, he can laugh, and he can look good doing it. His astounding beauty cannot be denied, for he is gorgeous. Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. If you can't see it, then I am so sorry for you because you're either blind or insane. Anyway, I got to go look at my Danny DeVito pictures, so I hope you can enjoy the sample below:

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Cats Are Superior

     I understand that there are a lot of dog people in this world, but I'm not a part of that group. I'm a cat person all the way and I am not afraid to show it. I actually have two cats named Zeus and Mittens and they are probably my only friends, so yeah. In my opinion, cats are great animals. They don't get too loud, you usually don't have to clean up their bodily fluids, and they sleep a lot just like me. Oh, and I'm not saying I don't like dogs, I think they're fine, I just think cats are better. Cats also come in all different colors and sizes, so you have many to choose from. I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I'm not trying to shove mine down your throat, but I just wanted to show you what I think.

Image result for cat

Monday, May 13, 2019

All About Me

     Hello, I'd like to welcome you to my zen corner. My name is Anna and today I will be talking about the enigma that is me. You may be wondering, "What does a fabulous person like yourself enjoy?" Guess what buddy, I'm going to tell you right here, right now.

     Some things you should know about me is that I am of the female gender and I am not great at sitting still. One thing I'm proud of about myself is that I am a bendy person. I like to dance, boogie, groove, and all that fun stuff. In fact, I am a competitive dancer and I dance six days a week. Including myself, there are five people in my family, as well as two cats. I hate comedies because usually the jokes are mediocre, but horror movies are pretty snazzy.

     Thanks for listening to me go on and on about myself. My mom says I like to hear the sound of my own voice, so that's probably why I thoroughly enjoyed the process of writing this post. I hope this captures the essence of one Anna Maillie, especially since I wrote it.