Thursday, May 23, 2019

Why Danny DeVito is Superior

     Listen, Danny is 100% BEAUTIFUL. Not only does Mr. DeVito have the looks, but he has the charisma as well. His tremendously shiny head provides a glare that has The Rock shaking in his shoes.
Danny DeVito is one of a kind and really unappreciated. I mean, how can you not just fall in love with such a perfect human. He can act, he can laugh, and he can look good doing it. His astounding beauty cannot be denied, for he is gorgeous. Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. If you can't see it, then I am so sorry for you because you're either blind or insane. Anyway, I got to go look at my Danny DeVito pictures, so I hope you can enjoy the sample below:


  1. I DO see it. He definitely is beautiful!

  2. i texted anna a pic of danny and she sent me the drooling emoji

  3. What is your favorite Danny DeVito movie?
