Monday, May 13, 2019

All About Me

     Hello, I'd like to welcome you to my zen corner. My name is Anna and today I will be talking about the enigma that is me. You may be wondering, "What does a fabulous person like yourself enjoy?" Guess what buddy, I'm going to tell you right here, right now.

     Some things you should know about me is that I am of the female gender and I am not great at sitting still. One thing I'm proud of about myself is that I am a bendy person. I like to dance, boogie, groove, and all that fun stuff. In fact, I am a competitive dancer and I dance six days a week. Including myself, there are five people in my family, as well as two cats. I hate comedies because usually the jokes are mediocre, but horror movies are pretty snazzy.

     Thanks for listening to me go on and on about myself. My mom says I like to hear the sound of my own voice, so that's probably why I thoroughly enjoyed the process of writing this post. I hope this captures the essence of one Anna Maillie, especially since I wrote it. 


  1. I really loved how you expressed yourself in your writing! This was such an awesome post!:)

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  2. I wish I was a bendy person, but alas, I am not. I want to boogie, groove, and all that fun stuff.
