Sunday, May 26, 2019

Noggin Review

     Imagine waking up to find a new body attached to your neck, your friends are all five years older, and you have to pretend that everything's normal. I know you are probably confused right now, but I can explain. This is basically the life of Travis Coates, the protagonist in the book, Noggin.
     In this book, Travis Coates, a boy with cancer, offers up his head to be cryogenically frozen. He doesn't think it will work but he goes through with it anyway. After five years, Travis wakes up to find a young man named Jeremy Pratt's body attached to him. No longer does cancer plague his body, but a new thing is darkening his look on the world. He has to go through high school... without his old friends. This sets up a lot of drama that really tests the limits of Travis's selflessness, mental health, and strength.
     If I had to give this book a rating, I'd give it a 2 out of 5. I don't like to read about things that aren't really realistic, even though this could be one day. I also don't enjoy the storyline that much but I'm not completely done so my opinion may change a bit. One thing I might want to warn you about is that this book contains some suggestive themes and vulgar language. You may want to check with your parents before reading this book, but if you're allowed I hope you enjoy it.Image result for noggin book

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