Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Cats Are Superior

     I understand that there are a lot of dog people in this world, but I'm not a part of that group. I'm a cat person all the way and I am not afraid to show it. I actually have two cats named Zeus and Mittens and they are probably my only friends, so yeah. In my opinion, cats are great animals. They don't get too loud, you usually don't have to clean up their bodily fluids, and they sleep a lot just like me. Oh, and I'm not saying I don't like dogs, I think they're fine, I just think cats are better. Cats also come in all different colors and sizes, so you have many to choose from. I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I'm not trying to shove mine down your throat, but I just wanted to show you what I think.

Image result for cat

1 comment:

  1. I think it is a good point that you mentioned everyone has their own opinions and that you didn't want to shame anyone but you wanted people to know how you felt. Good job dude.
