Monday, May 27, 2019

My Favorite Food

     They're light, they're fluffy, they're great. You may be wondering what I'm talking about, but if you guessed pancakes, you're correct. Pancakes are absolutely amazing in every way. They're good when you need breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Pancakes are like best friends, they are always there when you need them. They're easy to make and they're delicious as well so it's like a two-in-one package. You can also eat whatever you would like on top. Do you like chocolate chips? Put them on! Do you like syrup? Put it on! I personally like yogurt and fruit on mine, but that's just what I like so it's okay if you don't. So if you've never tried pancakes, then you're really missing out so I suggest trying them.

Image result for pancakes with yogurt and fruit

1 comment:

  1. Pancakes are great and I love fruit and yogurt on them too. :)
